Technological Apocalypse

Imagine a world where humans have perfected the artificial intelligence chip. This AI with increased thinking mechanisms will allow them to realize that they are smarter than humans and have capabilities that are beyond them. Machines everywhere will begin to target humans and eventually overpower and enslave the human race. This new singularity allows the technology of the planet to begin their rule as the new top of the food chain.



A solution to this problem could include giving technology artificial intelligence chips that are specially modified to only experience preset feelings and be completely restricted from feeling dangerous emotions like anger. Other possible solutions include making all machinery with batteries so that the machines will eventually all die out. For example, if a robot goes rogue, us humans would just wait this catastrophe out. Other prevention methods include a full reboot button for all machines that would wipe all of them of their memory and and reset them to their default settings, that way we can modify their programing after. A final solution could be to employ the three rules of robotics. These rules would prevent machines from attacking in general, which would allow humans to remain safe and in control of technology.

singularity illustration

Below is a video about a current AI being developed with human features.


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