The Future: Running out of Resources

Overtime humans have been expanding throughout the Earth and using many resources. We have come to a point in time, where we do not have as many resources as we once did. Since we have a limited amount, we should be using them more wisely instead of producing all of them at once. By limiting resources we would be preserving those less abundant necessities for a more crucial time.

A solution could be inhabiting other planets but it can be very conflicting. We would have to move to another solar system that has just the right goldilocks conditions to sustain life. It can be challenging because it will most likely take years or even generations to reach that solar system. Furthermore, getting there will mean having to adapt to a whole new different environment in a different atmosphere. There are many planets that could be potentially habitable. We all can’t go to one planet, so what we have to do is send different people to different planets. With that being said, you do play the risk of either surviving or not. If one planet works out and the other one doesn’t then it’s up to the other humans to reproduce and continue our species.

colonizing space illustration



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