What We Learned in Big History



Something I learned in this project group was everything in general. So many things about the universe that I either didn’t know or never went in to depth with it. I learned about the formation of Earth and how we came to be.

One thing I would take away from this project group is definitely the amount of knowledge I gained and all of the new and awesome information of the history of our universe.


What is Big History?


Picture: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/18/Logarhitmic_radial_photo_of_the_universe_by_pablo_budassi_9MFK.jpg



This project group has been a roller coaster of emotions, knowledge, and suspense. Learning and relearning concepts and ideas surrounding the idea of how our world came to be and the necessary steps for it to have become what we all know today. One of the many things we learned in this Project group, that is my absolute most favorite and interesting thing, is the ingredients that each threshold needs to happen. Ingredients being the amount of a specific element being present, pressure, gravity, fusion, and many other variables in the creation of everything.

Something i would take away from this experience as a whole would be the knowledge i acquired throughout the project group. More specifically i would take away the physics equations needed to calculate the mass, density, length of a planet.

I still have many questions to ask, however i would like to know how far can our current society go mistreating our planet.

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A thing that I learned from Big History Project Group is that the universal timeline is divided up into thresholds that are a turning point throughout the making of the universe. I also learn about the Law of Entropy which states that an object would people in this simple state, but when that law is defied things go from simple to complex creating a threshold.

A good takeaway from this project is the scientific perspective of how the world was created and the ways that it would possibly end. I liked to see a different ideology of  how the world was created. There are many theories made in order to make the various theses, if one of the theories is proven wrong, how would that affect the information of  the knowledge of Big History?


Throughout this entire semester I have learned about pretty much everything related to how the universe formed. The most interesting part for me was the information on collective learning. This unit taught me a lot about on how humans pass on information and how we have used that information in order to create the world we have together.

One takeaway I had while working in the CiS Big History Project group was using what we learned in order to create a potential problem for the future and being able to come up with solutions to how to solve it. This for me was pretty interesting in fun as my partner and I worked on the technological apocalypse.

One question I have is when do the scientist who came up with the 8 thresholds think the 9th threshold will happen?

This illustration shows a messy, chaotic galaxy undergoing bursts of star formation. This star formation is intense; it was known that it affects its host galaxy, but this new research shows it has an even greater effect than first thought. The winds created by these star formation processes stream out of the galaxy, ionising gas at distances of up to 650 000 light-years from the galactic centre.


Something you learned…I learned what a threshold is, and what it means when we talk about simplicity and complexity in the context of the Big History of the Universe.

A takeaway…By being in this project group, I’ve learned about a small fraction of the different moments that came together to create the world we live in today and how both huge amounts of time and moments that are a miniscule stop in time have completely changed our lives.

A question…What comes next?  When will we know when our next threshold is?  Will we be able to realize it when it occurs or will we only understand until after it has happened?

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