The Big Bang


What is the expansion of the universe?

The universe has continued to expand since The Big Bang and has no specific “center.”  The speed that a galaxy is moving is directly proportional to its distance from Earth. All galaxies are moving away from each other and the further away a galaxy is, the faster it moves. Whatever galaxy one happens to be occupying, all other galaxies are moving away from it/them.  

What are the Four Major Forces created in the Big Bang?

  • These forces were the main forces that were established during the Big Bang
  • Gravity~ this is a force that attract objects together
  • Electromagnetism~ this is the interaction of electric currents or fields and magnetic fields
  • Weak Nuclear Force~ this is responsible for nuclear beta decay, this is when an electron from an atom is emitted, however this force only happens in small distances.
  • Strong Nuclear Force– This states that objects of the same charge repel each other whereas object of different charge attract each other.


What is Cosmic Background Radiation?

Cosmic Background Radiation (CBR) is heat that has been left behind from the Big Bang.  As the Universe expanded during The Big Bang, its temperature was lowered due to the relationship between volume, pressure, and temperature.

What is Redshift ?

A redshift is the light from objects that have a lower frequency when they are further away which gives a red tint to the observer.  

Blueshift: The light from objects that appear blue when objects have a higher frequency when they are closer to the observer.

If galaxies are moving further away from each other, why is there a theory that the Andromeda and Milky Way galaxy will collide together?

Dark energy causes galaxies to push away from each other, if they’re far away enough. But, if there are two galaxies like the Milky Way and Andromeda that are close enough to each other, gravity will then be stronger than dark energy and pull the galaxies closer and closer together as time pases.


Dark Matter: Unseen Matter that accounts for most of the universe’s mass

Dark Energy: Energy that can not be seen and moves objects further away from each other. (Roberts)


Recipe for The Big Bang:


  • We can only speculate

Goldilocks Conditions:

  • We can only speculate



  • The Universe
  • Time and space
  • The four fundamental forces
  • Separation of “energy” and “matter”
  • The creation of the building blocks for all forms of future complexity



Big Bang Feautured Image:

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